Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Faces of David Thomas and his Drug dealing, Pit Bull Dog Breading gang exposed.

Because I was not willing to put up with it, my life was being threatened with threats of gang rape. I have video of this guy calling up some of his thugs, giving them my name and address and telling them to come here to gang bang me. That was after I was nearly run down by this guy with his vehicle while video taping one of his starving dogs being out. Only to have the Gwinnett Police say, after filing the police report with the video, that "we don't think it was a credible threat because he allowed you to get it on video tape!" So they just put the file a side and told me nothing more would be done with it, no investigation would take place.

The Police Sergeant said this without even watching the video or doing any kind of background check whatsoever on this guy. I was being left to do my own Police work to attempt to find out just who this guy really was and what kind of criminal activity had he already been involved in, so I could assess for myself just what kind of danger I was in.

What did I find? Well what I found was pretty shocking, this guy had a pretty colorful Felony criminal past, had warrants out for him, had criminal cases still open on him but all under different dates of birth. When the Police were out here on numerous occassions not one time would any of them look deeper than the surface. All they saw was dogs barking which is not a police problem to deal with.

No one would likely have put the criminal records of this guy together. Thanks to the Dekalb Criminal Court System where mug shots are available I was able to show AC who I believed he was, that he was not someone who just moved here from Washington DC as he had claimed. In fact in one of the mug shots he was wearing the same exact jacket as he was wearing in my video clip taken when he tried to run me down.

Of course even now they won't confirm whether I am correct or not. I am told they cannot discuss anything about this case with me.

I have requested that I be told when they do finally arrest this guy and his thugs and told when they are released, but I know by now I will not be.

The last straw came when Animal Control told me they could no longer come to this property because this guy had warrants out for him and they don't carry guns! At that point I demanded to be told the name of the Sheriff, who does carry guns and who they claimed was looking into this case! I also told them I was going to the DA about their handling of this case.

Victims have less rights then criminals! AC required my identification in order for a complaint to be filed yet none was required of these persons even when serving them with the barking citations and the abuse and neglect citations. AC told me it was only because of my persistence that any citations were even served. My question is why? I have yet to hear an acceptable explanation for this.

Our nightmare began in August 2007 when the dogs were moved on to this property. It took 8-10 trips out here for citations to finally be served in November by AC.

In December there was an arraignment on the first set of citations served for barking and this guy pled not guilty which gave him a right to a trial.

In January more citations were served for neglect and abuse and he failed to show for that arraignment yet no warrant was then issued.

When trial day came in February 2008 he did not show up, which was not surprising, so the Judge issued a bench warrant. I am told that should he ever be stopped by the Police the warrant will pop up, but you know what, I don't believe it for a moment.

After all the news with this Gary Michael Hilton murdering people, a flaw in the system has been admitted. They don't burden the NCIC system with ordinance violation warrants. When the opportunity was there to take Hilton off the streets they did not, he fell between the cracks. Hilton had no means to bail out of jail so no matter what they may say, the system clearly let those people down.

So anyway, while we were all at the courthouse waiting to have the trial, this guy calls on the phone, says he is on hisway. All the while he was really here moving out all the dogs and whatever else from within the house!

When we arrived home, we were greeted by a number of the drugy teenagers in the neighborhood, flipping us off, for I would guess chasing away their local drug dealer!

Now I understand just why these people were not too happy to have me video taping! So from now on shoot first and ask questions later is going to be my attitude if any of them should come around here! I made certain the Police have a report filed on them. I have learned you can not rely on the Police, you must show these thugs you will not be intimidated by them if you want them to go away.

So if you see these people showing up in your neighborhood with a bunch of these dogs, take their picture and contact the Gwinnett County Sheriff Hendryx Colon at 770-619-6837.

By the way, as a follow up, the Bank has taken the house over, not surprising, since the owner was likely apart of the unlawful conspiracy. I went inside the house to see what had been done inside. There was dog shit and dog piss everywhere and I do mean Everywhere! Just as I had told AC, they were hiding the dogs from them in the bedrooms and bathrooms, to make it appear that there was only one dog in the garage. My video records told the true story, if AC had only been willing to listen and watch.

I contacted the lawfirm handling the foreclosure and told them the whole story too, and they were shocked. I told them they better get someone out here to secure the house better because kids are getting into the house through a broken off back door. Next time if there ever is a next time I will in addition to trying to contact the owner of record for the house I will contact the mortgage holder on the house to let them also know what is going on.

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