Sunday, February 10, 2008

The horrors of watching the abuse and neglect

These people did not even live at the property they rented, no one did but these dogs. The power was not even turned on to the house. They planted these dogs in my neighborhood for the express purpose of breeding them. These dogs were often starved for days and weeks at a time; were caged in tiny cages; were chained to the fences and trees, and they often got loose presenting a very real danger to the little children playing in our neighborhood.

All this so these people could profit from producing the puppies of these Pit Bull dogs for use in their illegal dog fighting activity or what ever they are involved in. They are part of a large operation according to the animal control officers. Gwinnett County Animal Control seemingly could do nothing, the property owner refused to do anything, and I had to witness it and listen to the cries of these poor dogs day and night for 6 months straight.

It was only after I had gathered enough video evidence of who these people were and what they were doing and I insisted on speaking with the Solicitor, the DA and the Sheriff of Gwinnett County that I finally had brought enough attention and heat onto these people to make them pack up and move away from my neighborhood. My sanity was at stake and all animal control could say was we want to catch the whole ring of them, so I needed to be more patient. My response to them was you don't have to live with it 24/7 like I do, so if you don't do something I will.

But you can rest assured they have only just moved their operation to yet another neighborhood where they and others like them will continue in this unlawful profit making adventure and they will continue until enough citizens rise up in outrage at the seemingly powerless system of Animal Control and Animal Welfare Enforcement that we have in our counties.

The laws regarding dog breeding need to be changed, the laws that are in place need to be enforceable and enforced. It appears the rights of these thugs are more protected than the rights of the tax paying real property owners who they happen to set up shop next to who must endure this constant form of torture and abuse with little or no recourse. 

I am told I can not hold the property owner responsible unless I first can prove that she was a knowing participant. I have the evidence that she knew about it because I went to great lengths to inform her and her property management company and they still did nothing, so doesn't that make them participants at some point? How about when they let it continue for months after knowing there was no rent payments coming?  

I am here to expose not only the people who are doing this and the property owner and property management company who allowed it, but also the people we pay with tax dollars to do something about it and who have failed to take action! I demand to know why and what they plan to do about it in the future when they freely admit this activity has gotten to be a really big problem in Gwinnett County Georgia?

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