Monday, February 11, 2008

There is BIG Money in Pit Bull Dog Breeding for Dog fighting in Georgia

Some of these dogs can bring as much as $5,000 a piece! Average is around $500 -$1000. A litter can be as large as 15 puppies. In the 6 months they were here they produced several litters. At one point there were as many as 22 dogs at this location right next door to me. Animal Control told me this was not the worst, some places people are having to put up with 30 or more dogs located in neighborhoods just like ours.

Can you just imagine the sounds that were emanating from this property, the concentrated dog feces smells that were drifting in my direction, and you add to that the barking from all the other dogs surrounding us in this neighborhood who had never before had a barking problem and you can hopefully see how my life became a total nightmare!

I was determined to not be driven from my home of 25 years by a bunch of drug dealing thugs operating an illegal dog breeding business in my once quite residential area. Unfortunately, we stood pretty much on our own to fight this battle, as the neighbors with their own barking dogs could not very well complain about someone else's dogs and they were all either too afraid or too busy to say anything about the drug dealers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I admire your courage!Some people just turn the other way!Please be safe!